Religious Education Curriculum
RE gives us the opportunity to discuss BIG questions and develop an understanding and respect for the different ways people choose to live their lives.
RE at Westwood Farm
RE Lead: Mrs. Bartholemew
Westwood Farm Schools promote the moral, personal development and spiritual considerations of children through a holistic environment committed to our Therapeutic Thinking approach.
Children are encouraged to develop their own sense of place in the world, whilst respecting others from diverse backgrounds and with different views, allowing them to flourish individually within their local and our global communities.
As well as the traditionally fact-based approach of comparing Christianity with other principle faiths, the philosophical dimension of Religious Education is explored. Through this ‘whole child’ approach, we aspire to prepare pupils for adult life by instilling life-long learning skills and behaviours to excel in an ever-changing world.
Following the legal requirements (1996 Education Act) RE is taught to all pupils except for those withdrawn at the request of their parents.
We teach in accordance with the locally agreed, Pan Berkshire Agreed Syllabus 2018-23 through the ‘Discovery’ scheme of work, pupils learn about religions and world views, and FROM religions and word views and this contributes to the spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of our pupils.
Cooking to celebrate Eid
Henna tattoos to celebrate Eid
Festival of Colour for Holi