Westwood Farm School

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)

"Fairness is not giving everyone the same thing. Fairness is giving people what they need to succeed" Rick Riordan

All children at Westwood Farm Schools Federation are equally valued, regardless of whether they have special educational needs and disabilities.

All children are included in all aspects of school life.  We strive to be an inclusive school in order to foster an understanding of individual needs. 

SENCo - Sam Wall       email address c/o our office officeinfants@westwoodfarmschools.w-berks.sch.uk


Our Whole School SEND Policy can be accessed HERE

Our Whole School Information Report can be accessed HERE

Infant School SEND Local Offer can be accessed 


Junior School SEND Local Offer can be accessed 


SEND Intent to Impact can be accessed here


For more information West Berkshire's Local Offer detailing provision available for children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND), aged 0 to 25, including education, health and social care services click HERE.

Please click  HERE to view the latest West Berkshire SEND Local Offer Newsletter